Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What is wealth?

Tim Wood

Having a great amount of worldly possessions like money or property. An example of a rich man was Job. 42: 12

His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east. And every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.

Throughout the history of man, silver and sold was the gauge block of money and wealth. It was minted coins of silver or gold and stamped by government authority and used as a medium off exchange with a measure of value. Eventually paper money, bank notes, and checks were used the same way, but was represented and backed by silver and gold.

Silver and gold was private property. Individuals owned it and they would take their silver and gold dust, ingots, and bars to the mint to be coined. They would then receive their silver and gold back in coins marked with a value.

The genius of our founding fathers was their knowledge of how money works in a free society. They were familiar with the destruction of other nations through debts and tributes. And so they wrote into Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof." They did this, as we will show, in prayerful hope it would prevent the secret societies of the evil banking families of Europe from destroying the Republic they loved and had founded.

I am assuming that the reader understands what happened in 1913 when the agents of the International Banking Families (IBF) were able to change Article 1 of the Constitution and create their National Reserve bank, that controlled the power too create money and regulate the value thereof. All banking was now in the control the IBF across the United States and they were in position to set in motion the monetary destruction of our economy and enslave us in a financial bondage of debt.

The Federal Reserve Bank (the name Federal was used to deceive the public.) split the U.S. into twelve zones incorporating all other banks, in the nation, under their control and only the money issued by them was recognized as official authorized tender. There was a marriage between our evil government officials and representative of the IBF. The first swindle was laws passed outlawing private ownership of our own gold.

An American dollar was a coin made up of 500 troy ounces of sterling sliver. The Reserve Bank bought up our gold at twenty dollars an ounce. Where did their money come from? They just printed it. Lets say 20 billion dollars of gold was taken in. Once the IBF owned all the gold, they increased the price of gold to forty dollars an ounce, and they doubled their accounts, now they had 40 billion of our dollars worth of gold. So they printed another 20 billion for their own private bank accounts, the twenty dollars for one ounce of gold now coat forty.

Years later under President Johnson's term, our silver money was stolen and we were given copper quarters and dimes. Remember it was our property as American citizens, not the governments or the (IBF) Reserve Bankers.

Money is the life's blood of a nation. We Americans did not lack industrial capacity, fertile farmland, skilled and willing workers or industrious farm families. We had an extensive and highly efficient transportation system in railroads, road networks, and inland and ocean waterways. Communications between regions and localities were the best in the world, utilizing telephone, Teletype, radio, and a well-operated government mail system. No war had ravaged the cities or the countryside, no pestilence weakened the population, nor had famine stalked the land. We were the greatest nation in the world.

However, around 1930 the IBF caused a shortage of money in the land by not lending money to the public. America was put into a depression and in deep trouble. Goods were available to be purchased, jobs waiting to be done, but no money. Twenty five per cent of the workers were laid off as the greedy IBF Reserve Banks took possession of tens of thousands of homes, farms and businesses on foreclosure.

In 1939 the U.S. Government took out large loans from the Reserve Bank and under the direction of the IBF began to spend large amounts of money into circulation for military preparedness for our selves and our future allies in Europe. As soon as the money supply went up people were hired back to work, farms sold their produce instead of plowing it under, mines reopened, factories began to hum, both industrial and residential construction began anew. Money is the lifeblood of our survival. The truth was that lack of money caused the depression and adequate money ended it. Think of the power the IBF has over our Government and citizens by controlling our money.

The Reserve Bank prints our money – we barrow our own money and pay it back to them with INTEREST. Our government, having spent more than it has taken from its citizens in taxes, needs, for the sake of illustration, $50,000,000,000. Since it does not have the money, and Congress has given away its authority to print it, the Government must go to the IBF or Reserve Bank for the $50 billion. But remember the Reserve Bank is a private corporation owned by the IBF, and they just don't give their money away!

The bankers are willing to deliver $50,000,000,000 in money CREDIT to the Federal Government in exchange for the Government's agreement to pay it back – WITH INTEREST!! So Congress authorizes the Treasury Department to print $50,000,000,000 in U.S. Bonds, which are then delivered to the Reserve Bankers. The Government then uses the money to pay its obligations.

What are the results of this outrageous transaction? Well, the Governments bills are paid all right, but the Government has now indebted us to the Reserve Bankers for 50 billion plus interest until paid! Since this and similar transactions have been going on since 1913, and the principle has never been paid, now – little more then 95 years later – the Government is indebted to the Bankers for trillions of dollars, on which we are taxed over billions every month for interest alone that go to the IBF, without hope of ever paying off the principal, with both it and the interest climbing every month. Every dollar in the U.S. is an IOU note that must be paid back to the bankers with interest.

This Secret Society of the International Banking Families (IBF) wishes to control the world under a Global Economy, The International Monetary Fund (IMF), where all money of all nations are one.

You say we are hopelessly enslaved to the Reserve Bank, and the IBF? The answer is, YES we are and this is terrible! But we need too see and understand more of the sordid story. Under this "debt-money" system, those bonds referred to above have now become assets of the banks in the system against which they can now make loans to individual and commercial customers. Government banking laws – brought about by the IBF – require only a 10% reserve. This means the bankers can lend up to ten times the amount of the bonds they have on hand. Creating more debt!

On the one transaction of $50 billion we discussed, they can now lend $500 billion to private customers at interest. Just start up the printing press! We need to understand the only way we and our businesses can get money to carry on trade and expand farming and industry is to borrow, borrow and borrow again from the bankers.

One more example of many: IBF and bankers who control the money at the top are able to approve or disapprove large loans to large and successful corporations to the extent that refusal of a loan will bring about a reduction in the price that that Corporation's stock sells on the market. After depressing the price, the Bankers' agents buy large blocks of the stock, after which sometimes a multi-billion dollar loan is approved, the stock rises, and are then sold for a profit. In this manner trillions of dollars are made with which to buy more stock. The Bank needs only announce to the press an increase or decrease in their "re-discount rate" to send stocks up and down as they wish.

Using this method since 1913, the Bankers and their agents have purchased secret or open control of almost every large corporation in America. Using that control, they can then force the corporations to borrow huge sums of money from their banks so that corporation earnings are siphoned off in the form of interest to the banks. In effect, the bankers get almost all of the profits, while individual stock-holders are left holding the bag.

The millions of working families of America are now indebted to the few thousand IBF for more than the assessed value of the entire United States several times over. And these Banking Families obtained the debt against us for the cost of paper, ink, and bookkeeping!!

Now you know why Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth, seem always to be short of money. An average home in 1970 went for $40,000. Today, that identical home put on the market would go for $240,000. Wives are working in unprecedented numbers; husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more, or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends; children look for odd jobs for spending money, the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is arguments over money. Most of this trouble can be traced to our present debt-money system.

Let's see how Article 1 of our Constitution would have worked if we were not betrayed by a secret society of International Banking Families and corrupt politicians. If we would have used the Constitutional way of creating the money needed in the nation, our Federal Congress would have spend most of its time and study on the issuance and control of an adequate supply of stable money for the people. If an increase of population and production required an increase in the medium of exchange, Congress would authorize the Treasury Department to print the required amount.

Some of it could be used to pay current legitimate expenses of the Federal Government, with the balance paid directly to the citizens; we would receive an equal amount just as if we were a stockholder holding one share. Just think – a payment of only $40 to each citizen would put $10 billion of debt-free and interest-free money into circulation. You could borrow and buy a house or start a business interest free. The IBF and Reserve Bank knows that if we tried such an issue, it would be immediately apparent that it would work, and therefore they must prevent it at all costs.

Under a Constitutional system no private banks would exist to rob the people. Government banks under the control of the people's representatives would issue and control all money and credit. They would issue not only actual currency, but could lend limited credit at no interest for the purchase of capital goods, such as your home. A $140,000 loan would require only $140,000 repayment, not $246,000 thirty-year loan as it is now. Everyone who supplied materials and labor for the home would get paid just as they do today, but the Bankers would not get any interest.


History tells us of debt-free and interest-free money issued by governments. For instances, the American colonies did it in the 1700's and their wealth soon rivaled England and brought restrictions (Taxes) from English parliament, which led to the Revolutionary War. Abraham Lincoln did it in 1863 to help finance the Civil War. It was reported he was assassinate by an agent of the IBF – Rothschild Bank. No debt-free or interest-free money has been issued in America since then. Several Arab nations issue interest-free loans to their citizens today. The Saracen Empire forbad interest on money for 1,000 years, and its wealth outshone even Saxon Europe. Mandarin China issued its own money, interest-free and debt-free, and the European traveler, Marco Polo, was astounded by the wealth and the civilization of the Mandarin Empire.

Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1939 to 1945 without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Do you wonder why such history of money does not ever appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today?

By the issuance of money and credit in the above manner the nation's total money supply can be increased to meet the nation's need with no disadvantage to anyone and with advantage to all. The important thing is that the money does not have to be taxed or taken out of circulation to be paid back to the parasitic bankers!! As stated before, money would remain in circulation for generations at no cost to the citizens, except for printing replacements for paper currency as it wears out.

Under the present debt-usury system, the extra burden of usury forces workers and businesses to demand more money for the work and goods to pay their ever-increasing debts and taxes. Since it is a demand for more dollars for the same work or goods, it is a Deflation of the dollar (erroneously called inflation by the money propagandists) Today deflation of money value is totally to the benefit of the money-lenders, since it wipes out the savings of one generation, so they cannot finance or help the next generation, forcing them to borrow from the money-lender and pay him for the price of two houses in order to get one. The next generation will not be able to afford a home.

With a debt-free America and interest-free money, there would be no high and confiscators taxation, our homes and automobiles would be mortgage free of interest. What would it be like with easy payment plans, and revolving charge accounts with out interest? A debt-free America would mean mothers would not have to work and could rear their children at home. With a cancellation of all debts to the IBF and the Reserve Banks, and the return to the people of all property and wealth, the parasitic Bankers and their quasi-legal agents, who have stolen by usury and fraud, would be the ending of their theft of trillions from the people. America would be prosperous and powerful beyond the wildest dreams of its citizens today.

This small and necessarily incomplete article on money may be charged with oversimplification. Some may say that if it is that simple the people would have known about it, and it could not have happened. But this money-lenders' conspiracy is as old as Babylon, and even in America it dates back for centuries. A prophet in America many centuries ago wrote about our present day: "And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret societies, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation - Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

"Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret societies which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up. For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning." (Ether 8:22-25)

What must we do to rid ourselves of this terrible situation we find ourselves in? First: We must awake the citizens of the United States to the realization and truth of the secret societies of International Banking Families and their agents, the Federal Reserve Bank Incorporated. Love of Country, compassion and concern for your children should make you deeply interested in this, America's greatest problem, for our generation has not suffered under the repression as the coming generations will. Usury and taxes will continue to take a larger and larger part of the annual earnings of the people and put them into the pockets of the Bankers and their political Agents. Increasing government regulations will prevent citizen protest and opposition to their control. It could come to the point where we are allowed to keep just enough of our earnings to buy a minimum of food and clothing. Will our grandchildren live in government housing and ride government busses to government jobs?

America will not shake off her Banker-controlled dictatorship as long as the people are ignorant of the hidden controllers. International financiers, who control most of the governments of the nations, and most sources of information (news media), seem to have us completely within their grasp. So what's the next step?

Second: The Federal Reserve system has never been audited by the government since it took over our money and credit in 1913. If we can find honest government officials and a private auditing firm who would audit and make known the facts about the corruption within, perhaps the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy of the Committee on Banking, Currency, and Housing, House of Representatives would have to take notice – especially if enough people aroused their Congressmen and Senators to reverse the Banking laws that have seized private control over our money in 1913.

Third: Congress needs to take over the running of the Reserve Bank and confiscate all of its assets both foreign and domestic.

What is the next step of the IBF? Have you heard of the North American Union? This is a plan to unite Canada, United States and Mexico into a new country called the North American Union, with a new currency called the Amero. We will no longer be governed by the Constitution of the United States, and we will lose our sovereignty as a nation. This will be according to the master plan of the New World Order. The plan is to break down or eliminate the borders of all nations and states like the European Union and Euro. African Union, and the Asia Union, then bring it all together into a global union or federation.

Basically, with a Global Federation, we are dealing with one currency, one controlling entity (a IBF socialist government) and one set of rules for all. And the benefits are simple. To enable the sale, purchase and movement of goods across the former nations effortlessly and cheaply. And let's not forget the creation of a super-cheap workforce and the eventual destruction of the middle class (which is already happening).

This concept will be sold to the public as free trade. But it's not about free trade. It's the use of public, private and government partnerships, which creates an elite of certain, chosen IBF & IMF global corporations which basically become part of a global government at the expense of their competition and our national independence.

I haven't even scratched the surface here. So far, the public has been kept in the dark about the Amero and the NAU, and before you get a chance to protest you'll be spending your new, devalued currency and wondering what happened! The lack of serious intervention on illegal immigration, coupled with the continued devaluation of the dollar and its weakness in the world economy, is in fact the perfect place to set the foundation for a new currency. There is a plan in the works to create this union and the last thing our government wants to do is close the borders. Quite the opposite, they want open borders, it's good for business. That is why our government is so slow in building fences and deporting illegal aliens. And as we all know, big business and large multi-national corporations are always looking for new ways to make a profit. The NAU and the Amero is one such way.

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